
Barcelona Events 13.05. - 17.05

 Monday 17th
Mark Lanegan - The most gravelly voice in rock (Tom Waits aside) is doing a solo, acoustic performance at the Bikini club. Whether he moonlights in Queens of the Stone Age, performs in his duo with Greg Dulli, the Gutter Twins or makes Lee Hazlewood/Nancy Sinatra syyle duet albums with Isobel Cambell, that voice is always center stage.
Place: Bikini, Av.Diagonal 542 Time:30.30h Price: 20/24€

In Museums

CCCB -  C/Montalnegre 5. Admission: 4.50 eur. "Atopia" - Art and City in the 21th century. Fascinating work from artists like Erwin Olaf, Baltazar Torres, Tim Eitel, Carey Young and more. Human alienation in the urban landscape.

Federico Fellini - The Circle of Illusions
More than 500 images from the illustrious world of Fellini movies.
Caixaforum, Av. Marqués de Comillas 6-8 Time:Now - 13/06/10

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